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Recognizing a Cocaine Overdose

a man worries he is experiencing a cocaine overdose

About one out of every ten people who seek professional drug rehab is struggling with cocaine addiction. Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that accounts for about 15,000 overdoses annually in the US. Getting help to the people who need it is important because, by far, the majority of people who struggle with cocaine abuse do not look for help. Faced with stigma against cocaine use and often unable to accept the truth of their dependence on this potentially deadly drug, many people put off getting help, sometimes until it’s too late. Cocaine addiction treatment in Columbus, Ohio, is available at Evoke Wellness, where a skilled, compassionate staff offers professional, evidence-based therapies.

Reach out to learn more. Call Evoke Wellness Ohio at 866.430.9267 or fill out this online form. We can answer your questions about stimulant addiction, cocaine overdose, detox, and rehab programs. You deserve to live a long, healthy life, and we can help.

Cocaine and the Brain

Cocaine, a powder that can be snorted or injected, or crack, a smokable form of cocaine, interacts directly within the brain. Cocaine is a stimulant that enhances alertness and creates euphoria. Cocaine abuse is often the result of people trying to self-medicate for mental health challenges such as depression. The problem is that the cocaine high is short-lived. People take more and more to avoid the harsh crash at the end of the euphoria. These binges don’t usually end well. The body and brain, exhausted and depleted, must finally rest, and the user collapses, sleeps, recovers, and, once tolerance and dependence have set in, starts all over again.

Dependence and addiction take place due to the way cocaine affects the brain. The drug bypasses the brain’s normal production of the neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of pleasure and contentment. That’s why cocaine can feel as if it’s lifting you up from depression or exhaustion—or both. The overwhelming feelings of pleasure make cocaine hard for many to walk away from.

Soon, the brain depends on cocaine to function properly. Without it, life lacks all color, pleasure, enjoyment, or optimism. The binge cycles continue and accelerate. Addiction has taken hold. Cocaine overdose becomes a real risk.

To safely leave cocaine behind, a medical detox and follow-up addiction treatment program are necessary.

Recognizing a Cocaine Overdose

Overdose happens when the body has reached a critical point in its cocaine toxicity. Everyone’s toxic level is different depending on age, size, relative health, and other factors. To be able to take steps when an overdose is happening, you need to understand the signs and symptoms in order to save your own or another’s life. Some of these symptoms are listed below:

  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Increased anxiety and agitation
  • Chest pain
  • The sweats
  • Hypertension
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Delirium
  • Hallucinations
  • Cardiovascular symptoms – racing heart or irregular heartbeat
  • Seizure
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke

If you notice any of the above in someone who has been taking cocaine, call 911. Making that call is safer than taking a chance and waiting.

Call Evoke Wellness Ohio to Get Help and Begin Your Recovery Today

In addition to overdose, there are other potential risks of cocaine addiction, including ear, nose, and throat damage, heart damage, lung disorders, and structural changes within the brain. Some of these can be permanent.

Avoid the long-term consequences of cocaine abuse by getting the help you need now. If you are worried about a loved one or fear that you may have developed a cocaine addiction, reach out to Evoke Wellness Ohio and learn about the safe, science-based treatments that can help you speak to one of the caring staff at our treatment facility. Simply call 866.430.9267 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to helping you begin your recovery.