Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that increases feelings of euphoria, energy levels, and alertness. Because of this, cocaine has a high potential for abuse. Individuals can quickly develop a tolerance for the drug, where they need more to get the desired effect, which makes it highly addictive as well. Chronic cocaine abuse leads to significant physical, mental, and emotional impacts. With repeated use, individuals can also develop physical and psychological dependence. This makes quitting challenging for many as their mind and body begin to rely on the drug to function.
At Evoke Wellness Ohio, we understand the dangerous impacts of cocaine and how difficult it can be for patients in treatment and recovery. We offer various evidence-based programs and services to help individuals every step of the way. Our cocaine addiction treatment program supports patients through withdrawal safely and effectively. If you or a loved one are looking for an addiction treatment program, consider Evoke Wellness Ohio. Call our team at 866.430.9267 or reach out online today to learn more about how we can help you.
What Does Cocaine Withdrawal Feel Like?
In addiction treatment, detox is the crucial first stage, where individuals rid their bodies of drugs and alcohol. Withdrawal refers to the physical and mental symptoms patients experience when they stop using or reduce their substance abuse. During detox, people will likely face withdrawal symptoms that can range in length and severity. Symptoms can vary based on factors, including the type of substance, how often the patient uses it, and their method of use.
So, what does cocaine withdrawal feel like? It differs for each person and can be influenced by various factors such as age, physical health, and mental illness. However, those battling physical and psychological dependence are likely to experience uncomfortable or painful cocaine withdrawal symptoms. Many withdrawal symptoms typically ease within several days after beginning detox, but in some cases, patients may experience symptoms that persist for several weeks. At Evoke Wellness Ohio, our staff provides high-quality treatment and support for patients going through detox and withdrawal to ensure they remain safe and healthy.
Signs of Cocaine Withdrawal
Those dependent on cocaine to function normally are more likely to experience intense withdrawal symptoms. This is because your mind and body must adjust to no longer having the drug in your system. It is critical to go through detox and withdrawal at a professional treatment facility. When someone tries to quit on their own, it will likely be ineffective and lead to a miserable cycle of relapse and addiction. If you recognize the signs of cocaine withdrawal in yourself or someone you know, it is best to reach out for professional help.
Below are some common cocaine withdrawal symptoms:
- Irritability
- Poor concentration
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Slowed thoughts and movements
- Changes in sleeping patterns
- Intense cravings
- Increased appetite
- Paranoia
These signs of cocaine withdrawal are also an indication that you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine addiction. At Evoke Wellness Ohio, our cocaine addiction treatment helps patients overcome the physical and mental side effects of addiction. Once individuals have gone through detox and withdrawal, they can move on to other treatments and therapy programs to continue their mental and emotional healing.
Treating Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms at Evoke Wellness Ohio
Our dedicated team of professionals monitors patients throughout detox and withdrawal, providing treatment when needed. After detox, individuals can continue their treatment in our various programs and services, such as:
- Residential treatment program
- Intensive inpatient treatment program
- Dual diagnosis treatment program
- Medication-assisted treatment programs
- Men’s rehab program
- Women’s rehab program
- Rehab aftercare program
If you are struggling with cocaine addiction, do not wait to seek treatment. Call Evoke Wellness Ohio at 866.430.9267 to learn about your treatment options. You can also reach out to us online.